In the 14th Century, the harmony among humans, animals, and gods started to crumble. Infected by an animal attack, the protagonist, young Ashitaka, seeks a cure from the deer-like god Shishigami. During his journey, he witnesses humans ravaging the Earth, angering the wolf god Moro and Princess Mononoke, his human companion. Ashitaka’s efforts to mediate peace among them resulted in conflict.
3:00 p.m., Thursday, April 25, 2024 American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang Download the complete book club flyer. "American Born Chinese" by Gene Yang is a powerful graphic novel that interweaves the stories of three seemingly unrelated characters: Jin…
A poignant reflection on the human toll of war, this animated story tracks Seita (Tsutomu Tatsumi), a teen responsible for his younger sister, Setsuko (Ayano Shiraishi), following an American firebombing in WWII that separates them from their parents. Their survival story is both heartbreaking and realistic, as they depend on each other and fight against all odds to remain united and alive.