Category: News

Happy 20th Birthday to The Maridon Museum!

The Maridon Museum Celebrates 20 years

Join us as we celebrate two decades of sharing Asia’s stunning art and culture! Immerse yourself in centuries of beauty with our Chinese and Japanese artwork collection, plus exquisite Meissen porcelain. ️ Mary Phillips, a resident of Butler, PA, quietly

Springtime at The Maridon

The promise of spring ushers in a new exhibit to the Side Gallery of The Maridon Museum. Seventeen objects of porcelain, quartz, ivory, cloisonne, and soapstone including birds, children playing, hatching “peeps,” a vase of flowers, dancing and sitting frogs,

Ivory Comes to Life

Mary Hulton Phillips, Founder of The Maridon Museum, was an avid collector of many forms of art. Her interest in, and collection of Asian art, were the driving forces in establishing this museum. We are pleased to present this new exhibit of 33 ivory objects.

Ceramics/Stoneware By Joyce Kristoffy-Hewlett

A new form of art has arrived at The Maridon Museum Gift Shop. These beautiful works of art are exclusive pieces inspired by the Asian culture of the museum and crafted by Joyce Kristoffy-Hewlett.

Explore Our Snuff Bottle Exhibit!

The Maridon Museum Snuff Bottle Exhibit was donated in Loving Memory of James T. “Jim” Sweeney and a dedication plaque can be seen next to the exhibit. If you’ve never seen our snuff bottle exhibit, let us illustrate the purpose and beauty of these tiny works of art for you.
