Until We Meet Again

Betty Anderson
1922 – 2023

Betty Anderson was one of those rare gems bringing light into a room with her engaging smile and enlightenment to others by sharing her vast knowledge of Asian cultures.

Betty was one of the first docents with the museum. Her activities evolved into taking chairmanship of The Maridon’s Education Committee. With her guidance and connections many classes and programs were presented through the years. Betty acted as our ambassador to connect with heads of Asian Studies Programs at S.R. University and the Chinese Art Dept at the University of Pittsburgh specializing in Asian studies. The Foreign Film Series presented at The Maridon in collaboration with professors of the Slippery Rock University Asian Studies Programs, is a result of Betty’s efforts on our behalf.

The first Korean object in the museum is attributed to Betty’s tour with Song-Hee Kim, PhD, Dept. of Modern Languages and Cultures, Slippery Rock University. He recognized that there were no Korean pieces on display and contacted his sister, Young-Ran Kim, an artist in Korea. She painted the “Il-Wol-Oh-Bohng-Doh” and a family member transported it from Korea to the museum. This painting remains on exhibit in the museum’s upper hall.

Betty spearheaded, “A Taste of Korea,” the museum’s first successful Korean Week celebration. The museum was filled with the wonderful aromas of Korean dishes, art, music and new friends.

In later years Betty moved to Johnstown, Pa to be with her family where she remained active in her community. We were so deeply sorry to learn of her passing. Her spirit will always reside within our galleries and within our hearts.